University Ranking Organizations

Below is a list of University Ranking Organizations. It is worthwhile to look at different rankings which represent different perspectives in your quest to pick the best College for your needs. In truth college rankings are amalgamates of different attributes (see Ranking Factors) and represent averages of faculty, programs etc. and as such be considered as one factor amongst the many a prospective student should consider (see Researching Your Future).

It is noted that when looking for a college, it is better to look at world ranking rather than country ranking. For example in a country ranking two colleges may be #5 and #7. In the World Ranking they may appear as # 10 and # 49 emphasizing differences and providing greater guidance to the prospective student. Here is a list of some of the world ranking organizations.

It is important to note that rankings can vary between different ranking systems and are subjective to a certain extent.

Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) (Shanghi Ranking)
Times Higher Education World University Rankings
QS World University Rankings
University Ranking Organization
Aggregate Ranking of Top Universities (ARTU)
University Ranking by Academic Performance (URAP)

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