Status Indian

Status Indians in Canada

If you are an eligible status Indian or Inuit student and plan to pursue post-secondary studies and are registered with an eligible post-secondary institution, you may qualify for financial support through a Post-Secondary Education Support Program.

Contact your local band office, Inuit designated organization or Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC) office to apply for financial aid.

What is a status card?

Status Indians United States

There are several ways in which Native Americans (North American Indians or Status Indians) in the United States can receive a low-cost education at university:

1. Tribal Scholarships: Many Native American tribes offer scholarships and financial assistance to members who wish to pursue higher education. These scholarships can be specific to the tribe or available to all Native American students.

2. Federal Aid Programs: Native American students can qualify for various federal aid programs, such as the Pell Grant, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG), and Federal Work-Study. These programs provide financial assistance based on students’ financial need.

3. Bureau of Indian Education (BIE): The BIE offers scholarships and grants for Native American students. They administer scholarship programs specifically for students attending tribal colleges and universities (TCUs) and other accredited institutions.

4. Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCUs): TCUs are higher education institutions established and operated by Native American tribes. These institutions often provide quality education at reduced costs compared to traditional universities. They may offer scholarships, tuition waivers, and work-study opportunities to Native American students.

5. State Programs: Some states have established programs to assist Native American students in accessing affordable education. These programs may include state-specific scholarships, grants, or tuition waivers for Native American students.

6. Non-profit Organizations: There are numerous non-profit organizations focused on supporting Native American students in their educational pursuits. These organizations offer scholarships, grants, and mentorship programs to assist students in achieving an affordable education.

7. Tribal Funding: Some Native American tribes allocate funding to support members’ higher education endeavors. Students can apply for tribal funding or negotiate educational benefits with their tribe.

It is important to consult with tribal leaders, relevant educational institutions, and financial aid advisors to explore all available options and maximize the opportunities for low-cost education.