College Size

Colleges come in three general sizes.

Under 20,000 Students – A small College. Resources (Faculty, Amenities, Facilities, Programs, Clubs) may be limited. Expect smaller class sizes, and greater interaction with the teaching staff.

20,000 Students to 50,000 Students – An intermediate amount of resources available (Facility, Amenities, Facilities, Programs, Clubs). Less interaction with teaching staff.

Over 50,000 Students – A tremendous amount of resources available (facility, Amenities, Programs, Clubs). Little interaction with teaching staff. Most interaction through teaching assistants. May have Nobel prize winners on staff, but class sizes may be large in undergraduate courses (>1500 Students in a class).

Larger schools may be better for introverts, whereas small schools offer greater interaction. Large schools have better equipment and facilities whereas small schools you may get to know academic staff like family.

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